These Simple and Effective Strategies
You will learn everything you need to know about time management, prioritization & productivity.
It’s time to upgrade your productivity now!
One crucial question to ask yourself to find out what you really want in life
Are you living with a Time Serial-Killer? (If you answer all yes to these questions, then yes you are!)
3 effective goal setting strategy to help you become more productive
Addicted to Social Media? Here’s how to cure your addiction… (Chapter 3)
How to deal with your co-worker who steals your time without offending them?
Does multitasking results in getting more things done? (Hint: It’s a Myth!)
Speed-reading technique to help you read faster and save time!
How to use clear, concise and impactful words to master the art of persuasion.
Public-Speaking tips to influence people and make them see you as the Authority figure.
Avoid spending time with these 3 types of people if you want to be more productive
How to manage your personal time with 9 simple yet powerful tips
14 easy little tricks to Time-Management Mastery
The successful CEO’s trick to managing people to get things done fast! (Chapter 7)
6 time-management apps to help boost your productivity

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